sábado, 10 de junio de 2017

Disney Head of Story Paul Briggs to Direct an Upcoming Disney Original Film

Starting off as a visual effects animator for Disney's Mulan, could Paul Briggs become one of Disney's top directors?  


For Paul Briggs to get a meeting with the Disney CEO must mean this was about a high caliber topic. At first maybe I thought he would direct a short film, but since he met with Bog Iger that tells me that this is on a bigger level, an new feature! Digging deeper into his twitter account I came across his bio, especially the last sentence...


"now i'm in a land called Development" text could mean so much towards my theory.  In the movie making process Development is the earliest stage. This is where you develop an idea and write the screenplay. This would make a lot of sense when relating back to his first tweet. Maybe Paul pitched his story idea to Bob Iger looking for further approval or even possibly heading into pre-production soon. I also assume this will be a new original film and not a sequel since he had to pitch it to Bob Iger. 

Take this with a major grain of salt as I am not claiming 100% that Paul Briggs will direct a Disney animated feature, this is just my pure speculation but I do think it is a very likely possibility. Lastly, as it is my dream to one day become a Disney director I always find these stories very  interesting, it's not my intention to ruin some future Disney announcement in anyway but it's just me having fun with the subject matter. 

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