sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

DreamWorks Unveils ‘Boss Baby’

A couple of months ago, when DreamWorks re-arranged and expanded their slate of upcoming films, a project called Boss Baby showed up out of nowhere.
A project that was not mentioned or hinted at before. It was put in the 3/18/2016 slot that DreamWorks claimed back in fall 2012, a slot that used to be occupied by the untitled Bollywood musical that Kevin Lima is directing. Little was known about the film, all we knew was that it was based on a children’s book by Marla Freeze.
Now DreamWorks has posted some details on the project on their PitchEngine, from the plot synopsis to some of the cast, and also a piece of concept art!

The story? Boss Baby‘s titular infant (voiced by Alec Baldwin, who also did voices for other DreamWorks films such as Madagascar 2 and Rise of the Guardians) goes up against an evil baby CEO of a company called Puppy Co. (voiced by Kevin Spacey), who plans to destroy “the balance of love in the world”. The good baby has an older brother who wants all the love from their parents, but once the evil one goes around disguised as the good one, the brothers ultimately find themselves teaming up to stop the evil infant.
The film will be directed by Tom McGrath, who directed Megamind and co-directed all three of the Madagascar films. Austin Powers scribe Michael McCullers, an unexpected and fresh choice, will pen the script, and the producing team consists of Ramsey Naito (The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie) and Denise Cascino (MegamindMr. Peabody & Sherman). The boss baby himself resembles Megamind a bit given the size of his head, and the plot does sound a bit similar in good way, suggesting that it’ll be a different, perhaps pretty action-packed comedy. Maybe with the Austin Powers writer on board, it could possibly be pretty irreverent as well. The film is still slated for March 18, 2016.

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