Paul Briggs, story man at Walt Disney Animation Studios, recently shared some art he made for a fake second Iron Giant. The most interesting bit from his post, however, is this...
"Actually, I’m very lucky to be working on a film with Dean Wellins right now who not only worked on The Iron Giant but is insanely talented too."
Dean Wellins started work on a science fiction film sometime around 2010. Dean Wellins was originally supposed to direct Tangled with Glen Keane, but Keane stepped down from the project in fall 2008, Wellins stepped down shortly afterwards
Wellins' film, according to Honor Hunter of the sadly now defunct blog Blue Sky Disney, was going to be about teenagers and space racing. It sounded pretty risky! Honor emphasized how different it was and how it would - like Wreck-It Ralph and Big Hero 6 - show audiences accustomed to fairy tales and talking animals what a Disney animated feature can be.
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